Found Poems

“If the world is torn to pieces, I want to see what story I can find in fragmentation. I want to see whether a different narrative might arise from poring over American magazines, tearing them up, and putting them back together in a shape that makes sense to me.”

—Terry Tempest Williams “Erosion”

The hope for me in Terry Tempest’s book of essays about “Erosion” is an invitation to surrender and accept erosion to be true of our lives and yet, the freedom to decide what to hold onto and what to let go of.

Once again, during this season of Fall, we are asked to consider what is it that we are releasing to give back to the Earth that will allow us to strengthen our own trees, our own roots and help us move forward in a new way. What old ideas are we letting go of, old habits that no longer serve, changes that are necessary to greater support ourselves, our families and our planet.

I recently read a story about how trees take care of one another; when one has a disease, the other surrounding trees give it the nutrients it needs from their own resource so that the tree can be strengthened and continue to thrive in the community. How is it that you are caring for the other in your community that may need some of your resource? Or, that part of yourself that may have been forgotten or put away that holds an abundance of resource?

This is to say, that during this still very uncertain time, please continue to find practices that open and support you in more living, joy and care. Continue to ask how you as resource, can be of greater use to the community—because we all need one another right now.

Wishing you much Beauty, Joy and Brighter living!

I hope to see you soon!




Red Painted Woman